Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I like what I do..whatever I do

Well, the title may seem a little odd, but look deep into it and there is much more than what you can just read. Still don't get it? I have a short story that will explain this.

While I was a quiet kid, I was also quite a kid. I had excessive energy in me that I had to let out in different forms. Sometimes, the excessive energy got my parents annoyed and I'd land up in trouble. One day after coming back from school, I think I used the excessive energy to jump all over the house in the afternoon. Dad got damn annoyed and locked me in the bathroom for unruly conduct. Now, I hated being locked in bathrooms. It was just not my thing. Most of the times I would cry and beg to come out promising that I won't do any mischief again. But for some reason, that particular day, I just didn't feel like doing it. I was just not in the mood to cry. So as soon as I was thrown into the bathroom, I looked around to see what I can do here. I looked at the toothpastes, the toothbrushes, the soap, the shampoo and the lot. And then it happened. I had a brilliant idea. I decided I will wash my socks. 

After about half an hour of no crying and pleading from the bathroom, I think dad got curious as to what I am upto and decided to check on me. What he saw when he opened the bathroom door was definitely not what he had expected. Here I was, washing my socks, with lux soap..happy, content..with no sign of remorse over all the jumping that I had been doing. In fact I remember washing my socks vigorously like it was some competition. My dad couldn't help but laugh. I was called in. I did go back, though only after I finished washing my socks.

Mom, dad and di often recalled this and we would have a good laugh over it. However when I think of it today, I feel the incident was more than just a little kid washing his socks to pass his time. It was about not being bogged down by the situation and making the most of whatever you have in hand. It was a natural instinct for me. There was no point in complaining. There is no point complaining. There is not point in screaming and shouting, pleading to get out of the bathroom. You will get out when the time is right. Meanwhile, the best that you can do is have fun with what you have. 

So the next time the lights go out at your house, instead of complaining you can't watch TV, pick up a book and read it. Instead of complaining that you aren't in the right school or college, look for what is right in the school or college.

Next time you complain or crib, don't. You don't have to. Every situation is the same, you make it good or bad. The next time you get locked in a bathroom..look around, you might just find something interesting.


  1. :) me likes...specially u washing socks with lux soap part its so u...and when i was reading it i could actually hear the tone of ur voice :) hehe..for some reason it says "Bee" says..its me sabira

  2. I know... I agree with Sab on the "so u" part! :P
